How To Cook Hot Smoked Salmon With Pesto On The Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill

How To Cook Hot Smoked Salmon With Pesto On The Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill

Cook easy, quick fish dishes on the Traeger

This video featuring, top BBQ chef, Richard Holden and Ian Hodgett from the Hayes Garden World Barbecue Shop shows you how to cook a really quick, easy salmon dish on the Traeger Wood Pellet Grill Pro Series 22. This dish couldn’t be simpler; just take some salmon fillets and spread a good layer of pesto over the top. We have used a ready prepared pesto but you can make your own. Heat the Traeger to a medium heat; place the fillets straight onto the grill. As they are substantial pieces of fish they are fine to place straight onto the grill; more fragile fish, such as sole or plaice, will need to be placed into a fish basket.


 We will be cooking mackerel fillets and king prawns using different methods in future videos. There is no need to cook fish in tinfoil on the BBQ as small pieces of fish or prawns can be cooked in 3 – 4 minutes in a grill basket over direct heat. Delicate fish such as plaice or sole can be cooked on a griddle accessory over direct heat. Griddle accessories are available for most gas and charcoal barbecues. One of the advantages of using the griddle is the fact that you can crisp the skin on the fish and it only takes a very few minutes to cook a fish fillet. Whole fish can quickly be cooked in a fish basket over direct heat on any barbecue. Watch the video showing how to cook whole trout with lemon and tarragon which also gives a great tip for keeping the fish basket clean.

Leave the salmon on the grill for 15 – 20 minutes with the lid down. To test if the fish is cooked gently squeeze the sides and the flakes should start to come apart. This dish makes a really easy supper served with a green salad and baby new potatoes. The new potatoes can be covered in olive oil and sea salt and cooked on the Traeger in a vegetable basket, just start them off about 15 minutes before the fish.

Profile Image Angela Slater

Angela Slater

Daughter of a farmer and market gardener so have always had a connection with the outdoors, whether it was keeping animals or producing fruit, vegetables and cut flowers. Along with my work at Hayes Garden World I also have a smallholding, mainly breeding rare breed pigs. I gained an HND and BSc in Conservation and Environmental Land Management, as a result I am an ardent environmentalist and have a keen interest in environmentally friendly gardening. In my time at Hayes I worked for several years in the Outdoor Plant and Houseplant areas.