Seedlings are one of the cheapest ways to grow summer bedding plants
These little pots of seedlings are a really cost effective way of raising plants. You usually get plenty of plants and there isn’t normally any wastage. It spares you the cost of buying a propagator and if you only want a few plants then this is the easiest way to go about it.
You will need:
- 9cm (3”) pots or biodegradable jiffy pots
- potting-on compost
- dibber
- labels
- tray which holds water
Water the pot of seedlings really well before you split them as this minimises damage to the roots.
Fill the pots with good quality potting-on compost.
Make a hole in the centre of the compost with the dibber or your finger.
Gently knock the seedlings from the pot.
Very gently tease the seedlings apart.
Holding the seedling by one leaf gently drop it into the hole in the compost. If the leaf breaks it will grow a new one whereas if you break the stem that’s the end of the plant.
Firm the compost around the stem.
Place the pots in the tray of water for 10 – 15 minutes until the compost is damp.
Place the seedlings somewhere light and warm, not too warm otherwise they will grow too fast and end up being soft and leggy.
Plant out when all danger of frost has passed, usually after the end of Chelsea Flower Show.