How To Assemble And Dress Out An Artificial Christmas Tree

How To Assemble And Dress Out An Artificial Christmas Tree

Create a stunning realistic-looking Christmas tree by following these tips

This article and video show you how to assemble a 7’ Bayberry Spruce artificial Christmas tree but the same principle can be applied to all our artificial trees. This is a premium tree and one of our most popular; the ‘Feel Real’ PE tips make it look especially realistic. This method can be applied to most of our artificial Christmas trees. Just follow these tips and you will be rewarded with a tree un-distinguishable from the real thing. All our artificial Christmas trees now come with a 5 Year Guarantee.


First take the stand and screws out of the box; pull the stand out so that the holes are lined up. Lightly twist the screws into the outer piece of metal; if you put the screws too far through the stand you won’t be able to insert the base layer.

Find the base layer of the tree; this will be the largest and heaviest piece. Place the tapered end of the stem into the base and tighten the screws.

Pull up the tie holding the branches together and let the first layer of branches drop; start to dress out the branches. Start at the back of the branch and pull the branches out and slightly upwards. Pull the wing branches at the front of the tree out to an angle of 45 degrees and dress out as normal. Complete all the branches in this manner.

Push the second layer of the tree firmly into the top of the first layer. Push up the ties holding the branches and let the first layer of branches fall. Make sure the branches are not lined up on top of each other but are alternated. Dress out the branches as you did for the bottom section.

It’s always easier dressing out the top section before attaching it to the tree; firmly place the top section into the top of the tree.

Stand back and look at the tree then just tweak the branches into place to cover any gaps. The 'Feel Real' branches sometimes need twisting so the top of the needle is uppermost; as these are modelled on real branches they have a definite top and under-side.


Now there is just the lighting and decorating to do; I know it is traditional to put the topper on at the end but believe me if you have a tall tree it is easier putting it on first as you don’t then risk breaking the baubles.

I know dressing out this tree takes a bit longer than the ‘Memory Wire’ tree but it is worth the effort as you’ll be rewarded with a stunning realistic-looking tree.

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Profile Image Angela Slater

Angela Slater

Daughter of a farmer and market gardener so have always had a connection with the outdoors, whether it was keeping animals or producing fruit, vegetables and cut flowers. Along with my work at Hayes Garden World I also have a smallholding, mainly breeding rare breed pigs. I gained an HND and BSc in Conservation and Environmental Land Management, as a result I am an ardent environmentalist and have a keen interest in environmentally friendly gardening. In my time at Hayes I worked for several years in the Outdoor Plant and Houseplant areas.