Winter Gardening Tips

Winter Gardening Tips

We have teamed up with ‘4Seasons Outdoors’ to bring together the most comprehensive seasonal tip blog available anywhere on the web!


We want to use our thousands of enthusiastic gardening fans to share their seasonal gardening tips or advice. We will be launching a seasonal blog each week starting with summer, just write your tip in the comments box and you stand a great chance to win. Share it with your friends and family to make sure you get past the magical 5 likes your tip needs to be entered into our draw. Scroll down the page for full details on how to enter.

View this wonderful prize: 4Seasons Buckingham Suite worth £4300.00

How to enter:

  1. Write your tip or advice in the comments area at the bottom
  2. Share or Like three other Gardening Tips
  3. Like our Facebook page and share our competition Photo with family and friends
  4. Re-tweet our competition tweet to increase your chances of winning

****Once your tip has gained five likes or shares you will be entered into our draw****

Don't forget to share our post with friends and family through Facebook and Twitter, as this is truly a wonderful prize.

Any Gardening tip that receives 5 or more likes or shares will be entered into our prize draw to win this incredible 4Seasons Buckingham Suite worth a massive £4300.00

4Seasons Outdoors

4Seasons is a multi-award winning manufacturer with two international awards for garden furniture design and further awards for best managed company.
They offer a comprehensive range of garden furniture, manufactured from a diverse assortment of materials including wicker, stainless steel, textilene and teak with design features that are streamlined, timeless and distinguishing. View 4seasons Outdoors full range here

Tips For Winter

Winter can be mild and soggy or cold and crisp, but either offers a chance to rest and restore batteries. A cold crisp day offers the chance to walk around the garden and see the bare bones before planning any changes next year. Wet days provide a chance to curl up in front of the fire with seed catalogues and a hot chocolate; and dream of the glories to come. A cold crisp day just before Christmas is an opportunity to take a walk in the countryside and gather berries, cones and evergreens for door wreaths, mantle swags and table decorations for Christmas dinner. Fill the kitchen with the Christmas smells of cinnamon and ginger by making edible tree decorations.


Profile Image lyndan.orvis


With almost 20 years experience sourcing, importing and retailing garden furniture. He has a great understanding of the UK furniture market, with vast knowledge of the suppliers and brands available. Lyndan now runs the E-Commerce for Hayes Garden World and is available to share this knowledge on our regular blogs. Feel free to comment on any of his blogs or add your questions for a response.