How To Protect Your Children From Unsuitable Social Media

How To Protect Your Children From Unsuitable Social Media

How are Your Kids with Social Media?

Social media is constantly on the rise. More and more people around the world are getting involved with it on at least some level, even if it’s a rare check on one platform every week or so, it’s still there. There are loads of advantages with it, such as keeping in touch with family and friends (no matter how close or away they are), keeping track of what’s going on in your life and that of the people you care about too.

The thing is, social media is very popular with children, and even though there are almost always age restrictions on them, there are ways around them and this can be very harmful.

How bad can social media really be?

For adults, it’s generally not that bad. We can’t limit our activities and exposure through various privacy options but kids don’t always understand what these mean, are for or how they can be used. Cyber bullying and exclusion are just as common online as they are in the real world and if not addressed, your children can really suffer over time.

That being said, there’s no reason to hide them from it forever. They will find a way to get their own accounts and being open or honest can be much better. Get involved with them, help them learn and make a deal that ensures you get to supervise. It will help both of you in the long run.

A great day out for the whole family

While social media does play a big part of our lives, and will do for the foreseeable future, it’s hard to find ways to keep your kids away from it. It’s new to them, something their friends have and they want to be a part of it – and this is all fine, with supervision. In time, they’ll understand why and appreciate your efforts (although they might not say so for many more years).

Until then, occupy them with other things as much as possible. Bring them out to us at Hayes Garden World to see a whole different side of life beyond the digital barrier. See some inspiring sights, learn about nature and if they must be involved on social media, give them something positive to talk about.

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With almost 20 years experience sourcing, importing and retailing garden furniture. He has a great understanding of the UK furniture market, with vast knowledge of the suppliers and brands available. Lyndan now runs the E-Commerce for Hayes Garden World and is available to share this knowledge on our regular blogs. Feel free to comment on any of his blogs or add your questions for a response.