Grow Your Own

Grow Your Own
The past few years have seen a huge growth in the ‘Grow your Own’ market as people realise that home grown veg has so much more flavour than those bought... Show more

The past few years have seen a huge growth in the ‘Grow your Own’ market as people realise that home grown veg has so much more flavour than those bought in the supermarket. They not only taste fantastic but as you usually pick and cook almost immediately they retain so many more nutrients, minerals and trace elements than those which have spent weeks in transit and storage. Just because you don’t have an allotment doesn’t mean that you can’t have some fresh veg, even an apartment could have space on a windowsill for a tray of salad leaves or a couple of pots of herbs. We have a selection of waist height planters ideal for anyone who suffers from a bad back and also if you only have a small patio. A plant stand can allow you to make the most of limited space by letting you grow plants on several levels. If you like a decorative element to your veg plot why not grow runner beans up an ornamental obelisk positioned on each corner of a veg bed. Also check out the tool ranges we have available online. 

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The past few years have seen a huge growth in the ‘Grow your Own’ market as people realise that home grown veg has so much more flavour than those bought in the supermarket. They not only taste fantastic but as you usually pick and cook almost immediately they retain so many more nutrients, minerals and trace elements than those which have spent weeks in transit and storage. Just because you don’t have an allotment doesn’t mean that you can’t have some fresh veg, even an apartment could have space on a windowsill for a tray of salad leaves or a couple of pots of herbs. We have a selection of waist height planters ideal for anyone who suffers from a bad back and also if you only have a small patio. A plant stand can allow you to make the most of limited space by letting you grow plants on several levels. If you like a decorative element to your veg plot why not grow runner beans up an ornamental obelisk positioned on each corner of a veg bed. Also check out the tool ranges we have available online. 

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